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  • Writer's pictureAnnelise Henry

6 Things to Help You During QuaranTIME

That's right, I called it "quaranTIME". That's exactly what it is. I am on day 17 of quaranTIME and chances are, unless you are a healthcare worker or a part of a business that was deemed "essential", you have an abundance of time on your hands. I know I do.

I, like many people, did not take this whole coronavirus thing well. I have shed so many tears, I have yelled at God, I have been beyond frustrated, I have felt antsy, I have felt angry, and I have felt heartbroken. My summer performance opportunities? Canceled. The show I was choreographing? Canceled. The theatre class I'm teaching with a friend? Now on Zoom (How the heck do I teach kids how to perform online?). My job? Closed. My life? 110% different than it was three weeks ago. It is amazing to think back to March 1st and think about how none of us really had any clue what was coming our way.

I have never handled change well. It took me months to adjust to college. I have moved to five different homes since I graduated, and as I was getting used to each new place it seemed as if it was time to move again. Heck, I don't think I ever really even adjusted to high school the entire four years I was there. Change has never been easy for this gal, so it's safe to say that the COVID-19 pandemic has been a nice kick in the butt. However, I will say that I have managed to find peace in this time with the help of some new practices, and I would love to share those tips and tricks with you.

1. Let yourself be sad. I'm serious. It's kind of like that saying "The first step to fixing your problem is admitting that you have one". How are you supposed to get over being sad if you don't acknowledge your feelings in the first place? I have seen and felt so much pressure from all around that allowed me to believe that I wasn't allowed to be sad because everyone's world was changing and I just needed to suck it up and get over it. Yes, everyone is experiencing loss during this time. Some more than others, but either way you have to let yourself grieve those things and feel those feelings. Eventually you do have to get over it, but maybe you need to take some time to mourn that lost opportunity, that concert, that graduation, that vacation, etc. Don't ignore those emotions. Feel those feelings. Scream, cry, lay in your bed for a few hours, and then pick yourself up and figure out how you are going to flourish during this unexpected season.

2. Move your body and drink that water. I honestly don't really have much to elaborate on with this other than to just do it. It may be the last thing you want to do right now because maybe you are still in the "laying on the couch" part of your mourning. However, I promise that just getting up and going for a walk will help you immensely. Think about it- has there ever been a workout that you regretted doing? No. Never have I worked out and been like "Dang, I wish I didn't do that. I feel terrible." Jesus made us as creatures of movement. Figure out what you can do with your current resources that is going to help you feel your best and do it. Get moving, drink the water, and don't worry about a stupid "summer body" because honestly 1) who cares? and 2) you are beautiful exactly how you are right here, right now.

3. Talk to people. Jesus also made us for community. I'm an introverted kind of gal for the most part, and even I miss people. Text that friend. FaceTime that coworker. Call that family member. Don't worry about "annoying" them. Literally everyone (unless you are a healthcare worker or an essential business employee) should be staying home, and probably isn't doing much. You aren't annoying them. In fact, you're probably making their day and if they don't want to talk to you then they aren't a friend you need anyways.

4. Do all the things that you used to "never have time for". You know what I'm talking about. Just get it done! I'm almost finished with my fitness nutrition certification and I'm going to dive more into all of the little things that fill my heart like an online Bible study group, this blog, baking and cooking, content creation, reading, self tape auditioning...the list goes on as long as this quaratine does.

5. Get off social media. Okay, I can't preach too much about this one because even I am still struggling with this, but I can say that on days where I am not scrolling as much are the days where my head feels the most clear and positive. The first week of quarantine, I was praying for God to give me peace during this time. That's all I prayed for- to have a peace of mind and to trust in the Lord about what is happening. All the while, I was scrolling and scrolling and scrolling on social media through the negative, scary, and terrible headlines that were all over my newsfeed and was filling myself with fear. God couldn't bring me peace because there was no room in my head for it! Fill your mind with scripture. Fill your mind with worship music. Fill your mind with a good book. I promise you will feel better.

6. Change your perspective. I am a huge Rachel Hollis fan. I know some people really like her or they really don't but she is truly a woman that I look up to, and I believe that God uses her as a vessel to instill confidence and strength in so many women. I'm participating in her #Next90Challenge and each week she gives us a topic to focus on. This week was perspective. She asked us, "Is life happening to you, or is life happening for you?" At first I was confused, but then she broke it down more to explain how you can look at every situation in your life to see how God is using it to do something for you. In other words, there is a blessing and meaning in every situation, but it is up to us to change our perspective and figure out what it is. For me? This quaranTIME is allowing me to learn how to be more minimalistic with my money and allow me to save more, how to connect with others, how to improve my writing and content creation, and how to have a deeper prayer life with Him.

My prayer is that we would all figure out how to come out of this season better than how we started it. It will end eventually, just hang in there.

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