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  • Writer's pictureAnnelise Henry

Why you should start working towards your goals before the New Year:

It's that time of year again! Everyone is figuring out what their New Year's resolution will be. I know some people really hate how people use the new year as an excuse to make a new goal, but I honestly love it. The new year, whether you want to believe it or not, is a fresh start for so many and I think that is something we all can benefit from every 365 days. However, did you know that only 25% of people who make resolutions stick with them past 30 days? Did you further know that only 8% of those people actually achieve their resolution? Who knows how accurate these statistics actually are, because they definitely came from a Google search, but I still think their is a trend here that we need to dig into a little deeper.

There has to be some reason why so many people set their ambitious New Year's goals and don't achieve them. There has to be some way that we can begin to approach our goals differently to set ourselves up for success. There has to be a piece missing to this puzzle. I don't, by any means, have it figured out. However, I do think that I have something that can help.

The solution? Start now.

Maybe it's because I've always been a natural go-getter, but I've never understood why people will come up with their resolutions in November and then tell themselves that they will start in January. They set their weight loss goals, their exercise goals, business goals, financial goals, etc. and then they tell themselves that it's not important enough and put it all on the back burner for some excuse that is only causing them to think of themselves smaller.

Why do we do that? Why do we shrink ourself and our goals down? Is it because we are afraid people will judge us? Is it because we don't want to be obnoxious about our goals and be more polite about them for those who may not believe in us? Why is that we think of ourselves as anything less than the fearless, beautiful, and incredible creature that our Creator made us to be?

Think of your goal right now. Say it out loud.

Did you do it? Good. There's a reason why the Lord has placed that goal on your heart NOW. There is a reason why your soul is begging and wanting a change right NOW and not 3 weeks from now. Don't think about the risks. Don't think about failing. Don't think about what other people are going to think about you. Think about the people who love and will support you. Think about where you can be three weeks from now on January 1st when you are already making progress and not just starting the process. The fact that God has put this on your heart now should be the only clarity you need to begin pursuing an aspiration that is greater than yourself.

So, do the research. Reach out to a friend to keep you accountable. Proclaim your goal to the world and freakin' go for it, because waiting until January only keeps putting you further and further from the very person that God created you to be. That person is awesome. That person is worth it. Don't let that person down.

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